Body-Mind Centering® is a comprehensive somatic approach to embodying the living process that is your body.
Through embodied explorations of the physical systems (fluids, skeletal, organs, nervous, muscular, endocrine, ligamentous) and revisiting embryological and human developmental processes, BMC® reveals the cellular intelligence of your body and how it is always available to support you.
Awakening to yourself at a cellular level can enable a fuller expression of who you are: in your body; in the way you are both in and relate to the world; in your capacity to be present, regulated and adaptable in your environments, activities and relationships.
As a qualified BMC® Somatic Movement Educator I am motivated by how our ability to turn our awareness inwards can enable transformation in our perception, our movement and our physical tissues.
I aim to facilitate somatic explorations of sensing, movement and touch through which something about your bodymind might be revealed, with which you can better resource yourself; be that in movement, creativity, relational dynamics, the inevitability of discomfort or simply within your day to day.
Read my personal encounter with BMC® here.
BMC® in Classes & Workshops
Perhaps you’re looking to be in a new relationship with your body; a new relationship with yourself; want to feel more embodied; are seeking a non-formal movement class; are wanting to support yourself and what you do with somatic awareness; are curious about your body-mind connection; or are keen to explore experiential anatomy… for these, or for any other reasons, BMC® is for you.
A BMC® class involves experiential explorations of a physical system, or an aspect of that system. For example: the fluids system and the cerebro-spinal fluid, which is a part of it.
These explorations are approached through a combination of any of the following: anatomical information (images and spoken description), movement, guided somatisation*, touch, voice, creative expression and exchange.
Workshops present an opportunity to go deeper into these explorations and they offer a chance to organise material thematically. This means different physical systems, and their relevant aspects and principles, can be combined to offer a selection of embodied perspectives on a chosen area or focus.
Some examples of themes I have worked with are: ‘Breathing & Gravity’, ‘Fluid Dynamics/Dynamic Fluids’, ‘Embodying Embryological Space/s’…
As BMC® works with facilitation and guidance more than instruction, there is no issue of doing it ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Your experience is your experience and it is valid.
Classes and workshops are grounded in curious enquiry, support and presence. No previous experience with a movement practise is necessary. All that’s required is to wear loose comfortable clothing, be prepared to move and to be with yourself and amongst others.
Encountering yourself at the level that BMC® facilitates can at times present challenges. If this is the case I will endeavour to support your process. As an approach, however, BMC® is primarily restorative, playful and revelatory.
If you have any specific concerns or requirements please contact me in advance so I can address them.
I also offer individual sessions.
*somatisation refers to engaging your kinaesthetic (movement), proprioceptive (position) and tactile (touch) sensory systems.